Far Cry 6 could be teasing a brand new Far Cry game

A teaser within Far Cry 6 could be pointing towards a brand new Far Cry game.

That’s what a new video from noted Ubisoft content creator JorRaptor (opens in new tab) reckons, at least. In the very brief video, the player approaches two QR codes in Far Cry 6, and scans them using their in-game smartphone, which causes a very brief trailer to pop up teasing what looks like multiple players, tigers, and more. Could this actually be a multiplayer Far Cry game?

The video’s creator clearly believes this is a new Far Cry game teased within Far Cry 6 itself, which is a pretty intriguing play from Ubisoft. On the other hand, some viewers on YouTube think it’s actually a reference to the forthcoming villain-centric DLC for Far Cry 6, specifically for Pagan Min, who was pretty fond of setting tigers on people back in Far Cry 4.

It looks like viewers will be waiting a while yet to find out for sure what this new teaser in Far Cry 6 is actually referencing. The next instalment in Ubisoft’s shooter saga is due out later this week on October 7, and sees protagonist Dani battling against the domineering forces of Anton Castillo, a ruthless dictator with all the menace you’d expect from a villain played by Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul’s Giancarlo Esposito.

When Far Cry 6 launches later this week, it’ll offer purchasers an entirely free new-gen upgrade, no matter which version of they game they buy. If you’re playing on Xbox One or PS4, you’re guaranteed a free upgrade to the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, or PS5 version of Far Cry 6. Although Ubisoft’s new game is actually dropping ray tracing for all new-gen consoles, restricting it entirely to the PC version, it will offer a smooth 60 frames per second performance on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

You can check out our full Far Cry 6 preview to see what we made of our few hours with the game prior to launch.

About Fox

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