Guardians of the Galaxy slot machine choice explained

The Guardians of the Galaxy slot machine in Knowhere is one of those choices that could go very well, or very badly, as so many gambles can do. And while the Guardians of the Galaxy are nothing if not risk-takers, is this a risk worth taking? Should you play the slot machine in Guardians of the Galaxy? We’ll take you through the consequences and risks of gambling in Knowhere below, and explain whether it’s possible to win the slot machine at all.

Guardians of the Galaxy slot machine explained

Guardians of the Galaxy slot machine

(Image credit: Square Enix)

The Guardians of the Galaxy slot machine is something that you should absolutely not play! On your way into Knowhere early on, the Guardians’ dialogue refers to how untrusty Knowhere is, and the slot machine is absolutely an example of that. If you pay the 500 units, you will win! Unfortunately, it’s immediately followed by the machine breaking down and becoming completely unusable before it can give you your winnings, effectively cheating you out of the money and giving back absolutely nothing in return. And unlike the Guardians of the Galaxy lottery ticket, there’s not even a special item you can get for playing along.

How to make money on Knowhere

Guardians of the Galaxy slot machine

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Instead, leave it be and move on. It’s worth mentioning that practically all the games in Knowhere are unwinnable scams, with one exception: the cup-and-ball game played by the giant brain “Hawker” on the promenade nearby. If you play one round and play correctly, he’ll actually give you 1000 credits! However, do not agree to play a second round of the cup-and-ball game. The brain will raise the stakes significantly and cheat you by making the ball disappear… somehow. The second round is unwinnable, so you’ll lose 5000 units. Having fleeced you, the brain will disappear, leaving you unable to earn that money back from him.

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