Saints Row delay confirmed as colorful reboot now set for August

A Saints Row delay has seen the game moved from its original release date of February 25 to August 23, 2022. 

In a post on the Saints Row website (opens in new tab), Jim Boone, chief creative office at developer Volition, writes: “Our priority is to create the best Saints Row game yet and, if we released on the original date, it wouldn’t be up to the standards we’ve set ourselves, and that you’re expecting and deserve. The team just need more time to do our vision justice; we’re doing some fine tuning and there won’t be much change in the game outside of overall quality and polish.”

Boone is open that the main reason  Volition is pushing the date back is because of the disruption it faced when the COVID pandemic started and the team transitioned to working from home, although Boone is keen to stress that “everyone adapted very quickly”. 

The post also clarifies that there are no major changes being made to the game. He says: “Rest assured, there will not be any changes to the story or the characters or anything that we’ve lovingly imagined over the last few years and already shared with you.”

With last summer’s Saints Row trailer marking it as one of the stand-out games of E3,  we’re more than happy to see the Saint’s return stretched out just a little further if that means the team gets the time it needs to make the best possible version of the game.

Already planning what you’ll be picking up next February instead of Saints Row? Check our new games guide to see what’s on the Horizon.

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