Back in 2014, when brothers Anthony and Joe Russo directed their first MCU movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier, much was made of how it channeled the conspiracy thrillers of the 1970s. Not only had Steve Rogers awoken from ice to a more cynical, nefarious age, he now found himself …
Read More »Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans new Netflix movie is being called James Bond meets Fast and Furious
New Netflix movie The Gray Man, which stars Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, is being compared to James Bond and Fast and Furious in the first reactions to hit the internet. The film, directed by Avengers: Endgame helmers Joe and Anthony Russo, stars Gosling as a CIA operative who comes …
Read More »Joe and Anthony Russo break down Chris Evans villainous The Gray Man character
Joe and Anthony Russo helmed four Marvel projects that starred Chris Evans – The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame – but their latest film, upcoming Netflix actioner The Gray Man, sees Evans play a bad guy for the ages. At the center of The Gray Man is …
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