The Sims 3 cheats are here to take the stress out of your virtual life, and you’ll get no judgment from us if you use them to make managing your digital world a little easier. The Sims 3 cheats codes form part of a tradition that runs through the entire series, and their existence is so well known that you could suggest they’re actually a core part of the game, allowing you to get the most out of it and explore everything that’s on offer. Not everyone has the time or patience to amass a Simoleon fortune and work their way to the top of their careers, but with these Sims 3 cheats you can receive the boost you need to make things happen and fast-track your goals.
So, let’s get straight to it – here are some top The Sims 3 cheats for PC, Mac, PS3, and Xbox. Just make sure you read our guide carefully first, so that you don’t mess anything up with your favorite Sims.
The Sims 3 shift-click cheats
One of the most important cheat codes in The Sims 3 is testingcheatsenabled true, which enables a world of new options that are accessible by using shift-click on Sims, items, and more. To shift-click on PlayStation press X+O, or for Xbox use A+B at the same time. We’ve put together some of the options below:
Shift-click the mailbox and choose any of the following options:
- Make All Happy to set active household mood to max
- Make Friends For Me to give the active Sim a number of random friends from the neighbourhood
- Make Needs Static to set needs to max and stop them decaying over time
- Make All Dynamic to return needs to normal decay rate
- Make Me Know Everyone to make active Sim know everyone in the neighbourhood
- Force Visitor to make a random visitor arrive
- Force NPC (more options available) to make a particular NPC arrive
- Set Career (more options available) to set the current Sim’s career to a specified path, branch, and rank
The Sims 3 Sims cheats
Shift-click all Sims and choose any of the following options:
- Trigger Age Transition to age up selected Sim
- Add to active household/family to add selected Sim to a household
- Edit Sim in CAS to take a Sim back to Create-A-Sim mode
- Modify Traits for Active Sim to change only an active Sims traits
The Sims 3 Career Building cheats
Shift-click the career building of a Sim and choose any of the following options:
- Force Opportunity to force work-related opportunities
- Force Event to force work-related event
- Force All Events to force every possible event from chosen workplace
The Sims 3 ground cheats
Shift-click the ground and choose any of the following options:
- Teleport me here to teleport active Sim to that location
- Build/Buy on this lot (after patch 1.7) to enable build and buy mode even when there’s a fire or burglary, either option enables both
- Seasons (more options available) to enable weather control within the game (only available with Seasons expansion pack)
The Sims 3 money cheats
KACHING! No, seriously, kaching. Enter any of the below The Sims 3 money cheats for some extra Simoleons or free housing.
- kaching – receive 1,000 Simoleons
- rosebud – receive 1,000 Simoleons
- motherlode – receive 50,000 Simoleons
- familyfunds [sims last name] [money wanted] – replace with family surname and a numeric value between 0 – 99,999,999 (must enter testingcheatsenabled true in console first)
- freerealestate – allows you to buy any house you want (must enable this code in Map mode)
The Sims 3 relationship cheats
The Sims 3 relationship cheats
- make me know everyone – selected Sim knows every other Sim
- make friends for me – make several random friends for selected Sim
- force visitor – forces a neighbour to show up
- add to household – add active Sim to current household
The Sims 3 needs and skills cheats
- shazaam – add 2,500 lifetime happiness points to active Sim
- ResetLifeTimeHappiness – resets the lifetime happiness of all the Sims in an active household
- modify traits – set or clear traits
- Resetsim [first name] [last name] – teleports named Sim back to household lot with neutral motives and no moodlets
- make happy – sets all moods/moodlets for everyone in the house to perfect; removes negative moodlets
- make motivates static – set motives to static for entire household
- make motivates dynamic – set motives to dynamic for entire household
The Sims 3 career cheats
- set career [career] [level] – give selected Sim a career
- force opportunity – click career building you work at to force an opportunity
- force event – click career building you work at to force an event
- force all events – click career building to display all events for the career consecutively
- unlockoutfits [on|off] – view career outfits and service uniforms (must enable this code before entering Create-A-Sim mode)
The Sims 3 edit Sim cheats
- set age [number] – set age of Sim
- ageuptoNPC on – ages up a Sim into a non-controllable NPC who lives in your household, also works on children
- forcetwins – gives pregnant Sim twins
The Sims 3 object cheats
- buydebug [on|off] – lets you buy anything, including locked objects (must enter testingcheatsenabled true in console first)
- moveobjects [on|off] – no limitations for placing/moving objects
- Constrainfloorelevation [true|false] – force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
- Fadeobjects [on|off] – objects fade when camera gets close to them
- disablesnappingtoslotsonalt [on|off] – objects will not snap to slots while holding Alt
- snapobjectstoangle [true|false] – toggle 45 degree angle object snap
- snapobjectstogrid [true|false] – toggle snap to grid for placed objects
- placefriezes [on|off] – allows you to place foundations on top of tiled floors
The Sims 3 world and UI cheats
- help – displays most cheats
- quit – quits the game
- fullscreen [on|off] – toggle fullscreen
- fps [on|off] – shows frame rate display in top right of screen
- hideHeadlineEffects [on|off] – hides all meters and effects in-game, e.g. Sim thought bubbles or Plumbob
- slowMotionViz: [0-8] – slow motion visuals: 0 is normal, 8 is slowest
- playsounds [on|off] – toggle all audio (must enter testingcheatsenabled true in console first)
The Sims 3 miscellaneous cheats
- jokeplease – prints random joke to console, doesn’t affect gameplay
- enablellamas [on|off] – llamas enabled message prints to console
- force service sim [name] – force a specific service Sim to appear