Vampire The Masquerade Swansong take Journey to the Prince or run?

The Vampire The Masquerade Swansong take Journey to the Prince choice is the first major decision you’ll make in the game and comes towards the end of Emem’s side of Scene 1. Having just spent some time looking for Journey, you’ll need to decide what you going to do with her as you find her rifling through some files, trying to find evidence that she did her job properly and isn’t responsible for the Code Red. If you need to know what happens if you take Journey to the Prince or tell her she should run, we’ve got all the details below.

Spoilers for Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong ahead, obviously.

Should you take Journey to the Prince or tell her to run away?

Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong take Journey to the Prince or tell her to run choice

(Image credit: Nacon)

If you haven’t already found out where to find Journey in Vampire The Masquerade Swansong, you’ll need to search for a few clues in some offices and the archive, before eventually barging into an apartment. You’ll bust Journey searching through Jara Drory’s room for evidence that she did her job correctly and is not to blame for the dreaded Code Red that appears to have been caused by an incident at a party. However, Emem has been personally tasked by the Prince to bring Journey in, so you’ll be presented with a choice to either bring Journey to the Prince or tell her to run away.

Take Journey to the Prince

Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong take Journey to the Prince or tell her to run choice

(Image credit: Nacon)

Choosing to take Journey in to see the Prince goes surprisingly smoothly. While she’s nervous about seeing the Prince, Emem is there to reassure her, and they both leave without any issues. This is definitely the “good” option out of the two, with nothing major going wrong immediately after. However, things can change a bit depending on your actions as Leysha immediately after.

At the end of Scene 1, you’ll have a debrief as Emem with the Prince and learn that Journey is being kept in an antechamber, presumably waiting to explain herself. Either way, Journey is safe and still in the Boston Court building. If things go well for Journey, you can even find her in her office in future Scenes.

Tell Journey she should run

Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong take Journey to the Prince or tell her to run choice

(Image credit: Nacon)

If you tell Journey to run, she won’t go so easily, and you’ll be launched into your first Confrontation – a war of words where you argue with an NPC and try to convince them that your course of action is the best. In this case, you need to convince Journey that she’s probably in danger and needs to run away and leave the Camarilla as a whole.

To win any Confrontation, you just need to make it to the final stage and choose the correct response before you run out of misses. For this particular Confrontation, you just have to pick the ‘The Anarchs will help her’ response to guarantee the win for the final stage.

However, you might not be doing much winning later as getting Journey to go on a journey out the building will make things harder for Emem. In the end-of-Scene debrief, you’ll need to convince the Prince that you didn’t tell Journey to leave. Succeed in lying to the Prince and you’ll get the Skilled Orator Trait and Journey will leave to find Saule, who you can meet in a future Scene. Fail and you’ll lose out on the Trait and Emem won’t be in Prince Iversen’s good books.

If you lose the Confrontation, which is pretty difficult to do by accident, you’ll just be put on the ‘Take Journey to the Prince’ path. Journey will see through your attempts to get her to run away and Emem will angrily take her to the Prince anyway. This is a good thing to try if you accidentally chose to tell Journey to run or have decided you don’t want to pursue this path anymore.

Vampire The Masquerade Swansong Prince Primogen decision | Feed on the vessel in Vampire The Masquerade Swansong | Find Journey in Vampire The Masquerade Swansong | Jara Drory’s intel in Vampire The Masquerade Swansong | Jara Drory’s laptop code in Vampire The Masquerade Swansong | Vampire The Masquerade Swansong Leysha premonition choice 

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