State of Decay 3 studio founder says he wanted it to be the “ultimate fulfillment of the survival fantasy”

Jeff Strain has discussed the vision he had for State of Decay 3 before his departure from the series.

Earlier today, in response to questions put to him by Kotaku, Jeff Strain has posted (opens in new tab) his answers about his time at the studio and his departure from it. 

One question Strain was asked was what he envisioned for the third instalment in the zombie survival game. The series founder expressed the lofty ambition he had for the title, saying that he expected it to be the “ultimate fulfilment of survival fantasy we pioneered with State of Decay”. 

“It’s a game of interacting simulated systems, and the deeper the simulation, the richer the emergent mechanics and sense of agency,” he added.

Strain also addressed how he felt the game was progressing up until his departure from Undead Labs, explaining that he got to work on the game in the more straightforward conceptual stage rather than the difficult phase of implementing those ideas.

“Well, like many projects making the difficult transition to triple-A, there were a ton of unknowns, and worse: unknown unknowns. I got to work on SoD3 when it was easy — what I call the ‘You know what would be cool’ phase of development. The hard work of turning ‘You know what would be cool?’ into an actual game happened after I left,” said Strain.

No release date has yet been set for State of Decay 3.

While you wait for State of Decay’s third serving of zombie action, check out our pick of the 10 best zombie games that will take a bite out of you. If you need some advice when it comes to surviving the video game zombie apocalypse, check out our State of Decay 2 tips.

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