Steven Moffat apologizes for spoiling new Doctor Who season

Steven Moffat has posted an apology video for spoiling the new season of Doctor Who.

Back in July, the former Doctor Who showrunner accidentally let slip that the infamous Weeping Angels would be back in season 13. In an Instagram post (opens in new tab) about Jodie Whittaker hanging up her sonic screwdriver, Moffat wrote: “But it’s too soon to be sad – there’s going to be a whole new season of Jodie’s charming, fast, brilliant, silly Doctor! And she going to fight THE WEEPING ANGELS!!” (H/T (opens in new tab)) Moffatt edited out the spoiler after posting, but the Internet is forever.

“I would like to apologise for blowing the return of the Weeping Angels. I really didn’t mean to do that. I am tremendously sorry,” Moffat said in a video posted to Twitter, after praising the new trailer for season 13 (H/T Screen Rant (opens in new tab)). “But now you’ve all seen them in the trailer, you know they’re there. Please accept my heartfelt apologies.” 28, 2021

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He added: “Chris [Chibnall, showrunner] was incredibly cross, and in fact threatened to send the boys round. But I think he rather overestimates his power in that regard.” Keep a close eye over Moffat’s shoulder, though, and you’ll see he may have been wrong to doubt Chibnall…

Whittaker’s incarnation of the Doctor will be back for the six part season 13, which arrives this Halloween. Three specials will follow in 2022, and once those have released, we’ll be saying goodbye to the 13th Doctor, as well as Chibnall. There’s no word yet on who’ll be replacing Whittaker, but we do know Russell T. Davies will be returning to the series – and not just for a one off episode, either. 

Doctor Who season 13 begins this October 31. Until then, check out our roundup of the best British shows to fill out your watchlist.

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