Tag Archives: Free to play

What are the biggest changes for Fortnite Season 3

Fortnite Season 3 has arrived, and the new theme is that everyone is Vibin’. This means there’s a party going on across the island, with many areas receiving a brightly colored paint job and almost all signs of the previous Imagined Order occupation have been removed. Everyone is having fun …

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How to get the Among Us back bling in Fortnite

The Fortnite Among Us back bling has quickly become the hot new item players want to get hold of, and is maybe even as popular as the Fortnite Spider-Man Zero gear. It also represents a happy outcome to the previous disagreement between Among Us developer Innersloth and Fortnite developer Epic, …

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How to visit the Fortnite Zero Point

The Fortnite Zero Point is an object central to the lore in the ongoing storyline running through the battle royale, having been used repeated by the Imagined Order to travel through different realities and alter the past. It has appeared across the chapters in various guises, from a floating island …

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How to dance at Fortnite crashed IO Airships

Fortnite crashed IO Airships are one of the few remaining pieces of evidence to indicate the Imagined Order had a presence on the island, and you’ll need to know where to find them so you can dance at different crashed IO Airships in Fortnite. These piles of metalwork and wreckage …

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Where to find Fortnite Tover Tokens

Fortnite Tover Tokens are collectible items that are distributed all over the island, and by picking them up you can unlock a whole host of customization styles for the Snap skin. This Battle Pass outfit is supplied with “all assembly required” in Fortnite, and there are technically almost 8,000 different …

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Fortnite wolf spawns and how to ride them

Fortnite wolf spawns are handy locations to know if you need to find one of these predatory beasts, and there are several reasons why you might want to do that. Firstly, you can now ride wolves in Fortnite, which will help you get around the island a lot quicker, and …

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