Tag Archives: MADiSON

Full Madison game walkthrough

A full Madison walkthrough to take you through the whole game’s puzzles, ghosts and more besides is essential to anybody who wants to survive the Maxwell house with Luca’s soul intact. With numerous challenges to get through and a good chance of being confused on where to go next, we’ve …

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How to beat Blue Knees in Madison

The Madison Blue Knees demon and gramophone puzzle is one of the most challenging moments in the game, as players have to navigate the monster in a distorted house while finding his severed eyeballs.  It’s a lot for anyone to deal with because unlike something like the Madison picture puzzle …

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The ending of Madison explained

The Madison game ending is one of the more cryptic finales you’ll encounter to a game recently, with specifics left unclear about what happened to Luca, the spirit of Madison herself, and just what the dark events shown in the finale of the game mean for the main character as …

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How to find the Madison lock code

The Madison lock code combination to the padlocked door in the ritual room where you get camera is a particular bugbear, as the code actually isn’t given to you until much, much later. The solution is nowhere close to the time you’ll first encounter the lock so you’ll have to …

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How to solve the Clock Puzzle in Madison

The Madison Clock Puzzle has players set four different clocks to the correct time – not by actually turning the gears, but by replacing the clock faces with different ones that show the correct time already. Unfortunately, there are numerous clocks you have to interact with in Madison, not just …

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