New The Witcher season 2 trailer teases the “end of days” and even more monsters

In case there was ever any doubt, The Witcher season 2 is aiming to be a darker, more monster-filled return trip to the Continent.

The trailer for the sophomore year of the hit Netflix series sees Geralt and Ciri head to Kaer Morhen. That’s all in aid of giving the Child of Surprise some much-needed training under the watchful eye of Henry Cavill’s monster hunter and the roving band of witchers, including Vesemir (Kim Bodnia) and Lambert (Paul Bullion).

But things are changing – and we’re not just talking about what looks like a considerable bump in the fantasy show’s budget. The man-turned-monster Nivellen (played by Game of Thrones’ Kristofer Hivju) warns of the “end of days”: monsters are treading where they shouldn’t – bad news for Geralt – and war between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms is set to explode.

In terms of monsters, there are wyverns, bruxa, and leshens looming large in the darkest corners of the Continent. Couple that with the Nilfgaardian powder keg, Yennefer trying to influence her captors, and Cahir/Fringilla in cahoots, and you’ve got all the makings of an explosive season.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Mister Earworm himself, Jaskier, is back and looking suitably aged up this time around. He’s even made time to make himself some new mice friends. Cute.

The Witcher’s third season, meanwhile, has already been greenlit. A prequel, Blood Origin, is also heading to Netflix.

The Witcher season 2 is set to launch on December 17. For more from the streaming service, check out some of the best Netflix shows.

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