Should you pick Cyberpunk 2077 Angel or Skye in Automatic Love

The Cyberpunk 2077 Angel or Skye decision is one you’ll encounter early on in the Automatic Love mission, as you attempt to gain access to the Clouds club while tracking down Evelyn Parker. This choice is between two dolls in Cyberpunk 2077, that essentially function as prostitutes and are designed to meet the wants and needs of their customers by getting on their wavelength using mind-altering cyberware. If you’re here then you’re no doubt wondering who you should pick on arrival and whether it makes any difference in the long run, so here’s what you need to know about the Cyberpunk 2077 Angel or Skye choice and what effect it has.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Angel or Skye?

Cyberpunk 2077 Angel or Skye

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

You’ll need to choose between Angel or Skye in Cyberpunk 2077 while trying to get into the Clouds club to find Evelyn Parker. While you can try a lot of dialogue options with the receptionist to try and find out more, ultimately the only option is to go through as a client in order to speak to one of the dolls working inside. As part of that process you’ll be have to jack in to the terminal for a scan that will determine the best match for you. It will come up with two options, Angel and Skye, and you’ll have to pick one to proceed. But which one? 

Like a lot of decisions in Cyberpunk 2077, who you pick is irrelevant. There’s the illusion of choice but it doesn’t matter whether you go with Angel or Skye, the result is the same – you’ll enter Clouds, go to the booth with your choice and talk to who’s in there about trying to locate Evelyn. Whoever you went for you’ll have the same conversation and you’ll get the same options – the choice between Skye and Angel is basically about skinning the NPC you get inside. So don’t worry about about who you go for. There’s no sexy stuff as the dialogue options cut to the chase about Evelyn before anything racey happens, and once you’ve got what you need you’ll be moving on elsewhere in Clouds to speak to other people.  

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