Cyberpunk 2077 endings and how to unlock them all

There are multiple Cyberpunk 2077 endings available, and which one you get at the conclusion of the story depends entirely on the decisions you make during your journey. Tied into this are some specific choices you need to commit to in Cyberpunk 2077 before embarking on the final mission, so if you want to take control over how things pan out then read ahead to know what you’re getting into. Although the main campaign isn’t too long, there are plenty of side quests to tackle along the way and you’ll want to get as many of those done as possible before hitting Nocturne OP55N1 – aka the point of no return – so you can unlock the full set of possible Cyberpunk 2077 ending opportunities. 

But, before we go any further, this is your last chance to turn back and avoid the major spoiler territory. Don’t scroll past this V selfie unless you’re ready. 


Cyberpunk 2077

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

If you’re still here, then let’s get into all those Cyberpunk 2077 endings, shall we?

How many endings does Cyberpunk 2077 have?

There are five core Cyberpunk 2077 endings, which include the Cyberpunk 2077 secret ending. But for four of these endings, there’s also one more choice you’ll need to make, so there are various different outcomes to be had for each. 

How to unlock all the Cyberpunk 2077 endings

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

As we’ve mentioned, ensuring you get all the Cyberpunk 2077 endings is partly down to ensuring that you’ve completed as many of the main Side Jobs as possible. Make sure you’ve completed at least Panam’s arc, for a really good ending option for example. 

But, it’s also critical that you ensure you’ve got a good relationship with Johnny by the time you hit Nocturne OP55N1. To do this, you’ll need to follow the side quests with Rogue, and be nice to Johnny where you can during that questline – particularly at the scene with the grave. You’ll know the one. 

If you’ve done all of that, you’ll be able to explore all of the Cyberpunk 2077 endings possible below. It’s worth noting though that whatever ending you pick, you’ll always return to Night City to continue playing at the point before you start the Nocturne OP55N1 mission, albeit with some ending-based rewards that we won’t spoil.  

Cyberpunk 2077 endings explained

Cyberpunk 2077 ending

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Here are how each of the endings play out, including those you may lose along the way, and how to unlock each one specifically. 

1. Trust Arasaka

Cyberpunk 2077 ending

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Unlock requirements: Reach the mission Nocturne OP55N1 

 Whatever your relationship level with Johnny or the rest of the Night City cast, you’ll always have the option to trust Arasaka in the final mission of the game. Johnny doesn’t like the idea of teaming up with Hanako, but you’ll take the Omega blockers and say goodbye to Johnny for now. 

Here’s a quick blow by blow for how this plays out:

You’ll call Hanako, who reveals she’s being held by her brother. She’ll send a car to pick you up, the driver of which is Anders Hellman. While you wait, you can opt for Misty to do you a Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Cards reading, which has the potential to unlock one of the last cards in the set.

After rescuing Hanako, the three of you will fly to Arasaka Tower. She’ll reveal that her father is in fact still alive as an engram. Later, you’ll attend a board meeting with Hanako and her father and confirm that Yorinobu murdered Saburo, but Yorinbu’s already sent a hit squad to take out the entirety of the board. A few of you survive, including Hanako, who’ll task you with finding her brother. There are plenty of Arasaka guards between you and him, including a boss fight with Adam Smasher (the guy who killed Johnny). 

After this, you find Yorinobu, talk with him, and then leave him in the clutches of Hanako. Hellman will take you to Mikoshi, where you’ll enter Cyberspace and reunite with Johnny, who’s seriously unhappy with you. You’ll talk at length with him, and you’ll return to your body, leaving Johnny with Alt. 

When you wake up you’ll be in an Arasaka orbital station somewhere in space. Cue a repeating narrative of testing and feeling like you’re losing your mind. Eventually, Hellman will wake you up and offer you a choice, which have the following consequences:

  • Sign a contract to join Arasaka’s pilot program, Secure Your Soul, which would create an engram of V’s mind and store it in Mikoshi.  
  • If you refuse to sign the contract, Hellman explains you’ll get your things, fly back to Earth, and you’ll be dead before winter. That is where the game ends; you’re not allowed to go back and spend the final six months of your life wrapping up the side stuff in Night City.

2. Ask Panam for help

Cyberpunk 2077 ending

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Unlock requirements: Finish Panam Palmer’s arc 

If you’ve finished Panam’s arc within the Side Jobs – you’ll know when as an achievement will pop – you’ll have solidified your relationship with her to the point that she’s willing to help you wherever she can (along with the rest of the Aldecaldos). It’s only then that you’ll gain this option in the ending mission. 

In my opinion, this is the best ending option as it actually allows V to get a (semi)happy ending. So despite Johnny’s reservations towards asking the Alvacaldos, and the risk of massive loss of life, it’s definitely worth exploring. 

Here’s how asking for Panam works out:

You make the call to Panam, and she agrees to help you break into Arasaka Tower and reach Mikoshi, saying she’s on her way to pick you up. While you wait, you can opt for Misty to do you a Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Cards reading, which has the potential to unlock one of the last cards in the set.

Panam takes you back to the Aldecaldo camp, where you’ll talk over their plan to tunnel under Arasaka Tower. Dakota will help you reach Alt to ensure that she’ll be ready to help you once you breach Arasaka Tower, while Mitch will talk you through the changes they’ve made to the Basilisk. 

After this, Saul will officially make you an official member of the Aldecaldos, with Panam giving you your very own jacket (it’s high armour too, and you get to keep it when you go back to Night City later). You’ll then spend the evening celebrating in the camp. 

The next day, you’ll scope out the construction site, before heading in the Basilisk. This will involve plenty of combat both inside and outside of the Basilisk itself before you break through to the dig-site tunnel. Sadly here you’ll lose two side characters, Bobby and Teddy. 

Once inside near the drill, you should make sure Mitch returns to the Alvecaldos in the Basilisk. Don’t worry, he survives the drive. You’ll then use the drill to tunnel into Arasaka with Saul and Panam. 

You’ll work your way through the lower levels of the tower to plug in Alt, who’ll help you defeat the Arasaka guards, and then onwards toward Mikoshi. Here you’ll have to fight Adam Smasher, who will sadly kill Saul in the process. Then it’s just a case of plugging yourself into Mikoshi. 

Cyberpunk 2077

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Now when you find yourself in Cyberspace with Johnny and Alt you’ll face another decision to make – especially if you’ve got a really good relationship with Johnny. You can either:

  • Go back to Earth in your body, knowing you won’t live that long
  • Let Johnny take your body and return to live out the rest of a long life as V (with V’s construct becoming part of Alt with the destruction of Mikoshi)

If you choose to go back to Earth as V, you’ll leave Night City forever with the Aldecaldos, who seem to think they’ll know someone “out there” that will help you with your short life expectancy problem. As an added bonus, if you got into a relationship with Judy before the last mission, she’ll actually come with you too. It feels like quite the happily ever after ending, with everyone you’ve met along the way leaving you voicemails congratulating you or wishing you well on your new adventure. 

If you let Johnny take your body, he’ll return to Earth and you’ll be able to explore a few last mini-quests with him as V. He will too eventually leave Night City in search of his own fresh start though. It’s another good option for those looking for some resolution. 

3. Let Johnny and Rogue go

Cyberpunk 2077 ending

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Unlock requirements: Have a great relationship with Johnny Silverhand

Now, this ending will not be available to anyone who has a rocky relationship with our infamous rocker boy, so if you do want to see this out make sure to strengthen your friendship with Johnny through the Side Jobs. 

Choosing this will allow Johnny to once again take over V’s body, and you’ll play out this ending as Johnny for the entirety. This, in my opinion, is the second best Cyberpunk 2077 ending available as it also offers a satisfying resolution to V and Johnny’s journey. 

Here’s what happens if you let Johnny and Rogue take on Arasaka:

Johnny will take over, and head straight to the Afterlife to speak to Rogue. She’ll agree to help you, pull together a plan herself, and even bring in some help too. You’ll gear up alongside Rogue and Weyland, and then talk through the plan. Then it’s time to pay the Afterlife’s netrunner, Nix, a visit to communicate with Alt. 

Cyberpunk 2077

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Then you, Rogue, and Weyland will get into the AV and make your way towards Arasaka Tower, watching Alt take out an Arasaka communication satellite along the way. The AV gets shot down by Arasaka security, but the three of you crash land right into the jungle-themed boardroom floor of Arasaka tower. You and Rogue land together, but Weyland is elsewhere in the area. Make sure you go and find him for some additional firepower though.

After this, you’ll keep following Rogue and get down to the security rooms using your anti-grav boots to fly from floor to floor. Once you’re there you can install Alt in the system for ultimate assistance. 

Then it’s a case of getting to Mikoshi. Along the way you’ll have to fight Adam Smasher (Johnny and Rogue’s nemesis), and unfortunately he will kill Rogue at this point – not before she’s dropped a grenade in his suit though. You’ll be able to get her gun at this point too. Finally, you’ll plug yourself into Mikoshi and reunite with V. 

It’s here that you’ll face the game’s final decision:

  • Let Johnny take your body and return to live out the rest of a long life as V (with V’s construct becoming part of Alt with the destruction of Mikoshi)
  • Return as V, knowing you’ve not got long to live

If you let Johnny take your body, he’ll return to Earth and you’ll be able to explore a few last mini-quests with him as V. He will too eventually leave Night City in search of his own fresh start though. 

We’re still working out what happens if you go back as V, so check back soon for more details on this final decision.

4. There is another way

Cyberpunk 2077

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Unlock requirements: None

If none of the above options are of interest, you can just opt to end it all – after all, Vik gave you the pistol for a reason. This option presents itself when you pick any of the other ending paths, after which Johnny will say there’s “no goin’ back on this, y’know”. You’re then offered up the choice to “put all this to rest”. If you select it, V will toss the pills off the rooftop. 

Johnny will be immensely confused and explain that isn’t how he’d have done things, but he’s not in control, is he? It’s an anti-climactic ending, but is by far the quickest way to “finish” the game. Warning though, this offers you no closure, and all those who have helped along the way will be incredibly angry in their closing messages to you. 

Definitely one of the “bad” endings. 

5. Secret ending 

Cyberpunk 2077 secret ending

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Unlock requirements: Have a great relationship with Johnny Silverhand

This one is a bit of a hack, but it is yet another ending option that sees a good resolution with zero casualties (bar Johnny or V’s construct of course). It’ll require you again to have a really good relationship with Johnny, so you’ll need to have made the right choices in the campaign and side quests up until this point. 

But, in order to unlock the secret ending, make sure to choose the option that lets Johnny and Rogue go in lieu of V themselves, but before you hit “Do your thing Johnny”, wait. Instead, keep looking between Johnny and the gun on the table beside you until it triggers Johnny to speak. It can take up to five, long, minutes. He’ll offer to go into Arasaka alone on a solo mission, meaning no-one else has to die. 

It’s not clear yet how this mission plays out as we’ve yet to be able to trigger it, but we’re told it unlocks some really cool content for you to use in the open world later. 

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