Even Todd Howards son wants to know where The Elder Scrolls 6 is

Bethesda Game Studios director Todd Howard gets a lot of questions about The Elder Scrolls 6, and not just from journalists and eager fans – he also has to field questions from his own son, and on Father’s Day no less.

As this month marks 10 years since The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim launched, it’s only natural that some folks are starting to run out of patience for the next game. The new Skyrim Anniversary Edition looks like a great way to re-experience a classic, but it’s safe to say fans are ready for a new epic, and that includes Howard’s son.

During a Reddit AMA (opens in new tab) today, Howard was asked the inevitable: “Any updates on TES6?,” to which he replied with a hilarious anecdote about the card he received from his son on Father’s Day this year. “We know it’s a long wait, we’re with you,” he prefaced. “For Father’s Day this year my son gave me a card that said, ‘You’re an amazing Dad, but where’s TES6?'”

Sadly for us and Howard’s son, it’s looking like the Skyrim follow-up is still many years off. In a recent interview with IGN (opens in new tab), it’s suggested that Elder Scrolls 6 won’t launch until around 2026, and Howard doesn’t dispute the interviewer’s assumption, instead saying simply, “people can do the math with what our schedules look like.”

It sounds like the long wait for the game will be worth it, at least from a time investment perspective, as Todd Howard wants people to be playing The Elder Scrolls 6 for “a decade at least.”

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