Halo Infinite player discovers the energy sword loses charge when hitting destructible objects

Halo Infinite’s energy sword loses charge when it hits environmental objects that can take damage.

As you can see in the gameplay clip just below, a Halo Infinite player has realized that the energy sword loses charge when you hit destructible items scattered around the multiplayer maps. You can see the player trying out this realization on a bunch of fruit baskets, where the energy sword loses two percent of its total charge every time it collides with a basket.

It’s a tiny detail, but it’s definitely something to bear in mind when you’re charging full pelt through Halo Infinite’s multiplayer maps. Two percent might seem very little of an energy sword’s overall charge, but keep on rinsing fruit and other items scattered around the multiplayer maps, and you might run out charge before you can deliver a killing blow to an actual player.

This clip comes from the recent Halo Infinite multiplayer technical test, which just wrapped up yesterday on September 26. The next, and likely final, multiplayer test phase will be debuting later this week on September 30, and sticking around until October 3, giving players one last chance to jump into the multiplayer side of the shooter and try it out for themselves before launch.

Halo Infinite finally arrives on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S later this year on December 8. It’ll be a day one Xbox Game Pass launch game, and 343’s long-awaited sequel will also be launching with a full single-player campaign and multiplayer mode simultaneously, with the latter actually being free-to-play for anyone on all systems, even if you don’t actually own Halo Infinite itself.

Check out our extensive Halo Infinite weapons guide for a complete catalog of every confirmed gun in the game so far.

About Fox

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