How to get all the Halo Infinite Repository collectibles

Make sure you get these Halo Infinite Repository collectibles as you reach the final stages of the Halo Infinite campaign. Having just been teleported to a different point on the fractured islands of Zeta Halo, Master Chief and the Weapon must fight through the Forerunner facility to get to locate the Pilot. As you do so, you’ll need to keep eye out for the iconic Grunt Birthday Party Skull and two UNSC audio logs that should fill out a bit more of Halo Infinite’s lore for you. Here’s where you can find all the Halo Infinite collectibles in the Repository mission.

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Halo Infinite Repository collectibles locations

Halo Infinite campaign collectibles tacmap screen

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

In the Repository mission, you’ll need to find the iconic Grunt Birthday Party Skull and two UNSC audio logs as you explore the Forerunner facility. As with the previous Halo Infinite Nexus collectibles, both UNSC audio logs are obtained towards the end of this mission, so don’t worry if you think you’ve missed one. However, the Skull in this mission is arguably one of the more complicated to get as it’s not just hidden well. Follow this guide as you play to easily get them all. For any mission in Halo Infinite, you can see the number of each collectible type present in the mission and how many you’ve collected so far by opening the TacMap and looking at the information box towards the top-left corner of the screen.

Repository Skull

Halo Infinite campaign skulls grunt birthday party skull room

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

To get the Grunt Birthday Party Skull collectible in the Repository mission, you’ll need to a bit of setting up first by solving a sort of puzzle that appears to do nothing at first. As you play through the Repository, you’ll reach a large room with a hardlight bridge that leads to a console in the center of the room that is surrounded by several doors that do not have bridges leading to them.

Halo Infinite campaign skulls grunt birthday party power seed room

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

You need to activate the console to advance the mission but also unlock the other side doors in the room. Then turn right, and grapple across the gap to reach the now unlocked door. Head through into a room that contains a Power Seed and carry it with you back into the main room.

Halo Infinite campaign skulls grunt birthday party throw power seed

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

The Power Seed needs to be taken to the door directly opposite, which is now also unlocked. You can do this by throwing the seed to the entrance door platform, carrying it across the bridge and then throwing it to the correct door. If you drop the Power Seed into the pit below, it will respawn back in the room it started in.

Halo Infinite campaign skulls grunt birthday party power seed receiver

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

Once you’ve got the Power Seed to the opposite door, carry it through into the next room and deposit it into the receiver in the back-right corner. Now continue playing through the level normally.

Halo Infinite campaign skulls grunt birthday party window to room

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

Eventually, you’ll reach a large, symmetrical room with some yellow lights on the far left and right corners, and a wide window high up on the back wall. You need to grapple up to this wall and head through the window. This window is normally blocked off, but depositing the Power Seed makes the area accessible.

Halo Infinite campaign skulls grunt birthday party skull room elites

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

You’ll find the Grunt Birthday Party Skull in the middle of the room, although it is guarded by four stealth Elites, so look out of them. Look out for Halo Infinite Skulls in other levels too

Repository UNSC audio log 1

Halo Infinite campaign collectibles unsc audio log

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

The first UNSC audio log in the Repository is another that you’ll get automatically from playing the mission. Towards the end of the mission, Master Chief and the Weapon will get sealed in a room and the Weapon will have to override the lockdown to get out, triggering a cutscene. After this cutscene and fighting your way through some enemies as you attempt, you’ll head into a room with a bunch of boxes and crates lying around. A green HUD message will appear about repairing and decrypting a damaged message. Once this readout goes away, you’ll have the first audio log from the Repository mission in your database.

Repository UNSC audio log 2

Halo Infinite campaign collectibles unsc audio log

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

The second UNSC audio log is conveniently in the same room, and you probably heard it beeping before you even noticed the HUD message for the previous audio log. Towards the far end of the room, there is a large Banished table with a small, red Halo Ring hologram on it. The second UNSC audio log is lying next to the Ring hologram.

About Fox

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