Monster Hunter Rise combos and complete weapon combo list

Mastering Monster Hunter Rise combos is vital to successful hunting. Learning the various weapons in the game like Great Sword, Gunlance, Hammer, Hunting Horn and more will let you stun and damage monsters faster and more efficiently. The weapon options in Monster Hunter Rise offer a lot of variety, and each one takes time to master and fully appreciate. No matter you choose from the list of Monster Hunter Rise best weapons, we’re here to help you find their full potential with this complete list of Monster Hunter Rise combos.


Monster Hunter Rise Bow combos

Monster Hunter Rise Bow combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Bow has limited Monster Hunter Rise combos available compared to some other weapons, but pay attention to the Charging Step because it allows you to dodge and deal damage at the same time, which is a game changer.

Move Button Combo AimZLShootZRArc ShotZR+ABackstepBCharging StepZL+LS+BZR->APower ShotMelee AttackADragon PiercerX+AFocus ShotR+XHerculean DrawR+A

Charge Blade

Monster Hunter Rise Charge Blade combos

Monster Hunter Rise Charge Blade combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Charge Blade has two different modes, Axe and Sword, which means two sets of possible move combos. This is an incredibly complex weapon to use but if you can get the hang of it then firstly, kudos to you, and secondly, you’ll have a lot of combos to memorise.

Axe combos:

Move Button Combo Rising SlashXDash SlamLS+XElement DischargeAElement Discharge IIA->AAmped Element DischargeX+A or A>A>ASuper Element Discharge(While elementally boosted) X+A or A>A>AMorph SlashZRMorphing Advance(While unsheathed) ZL+XCounter Peak Performance(While unsheathed) ZL+A

Sword combos:

Move Button Combo Weak SlashAReturn StrokeX>XSpinning SlashX>X>X or Hold A>XElement DischargeACharged Double SlashHold AForward SlashX+AShield Thrust(After sword attack) X+AFade Slash(After sword attack) LS+AElement Boost Spinning Slash(While Amped Element Discharged) RMorph SlashZR+XChargeZR+ACondensed Element Slash(While charging) Hold XGuardZRMorphing Advance(While unsheathed) ZL+XCounter Peak Performance(While unsheathed) ZL+A

Dual Blades

Monster Hunter Rise Dual Blades combos

Monster Hunter Rise Dual Blades combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Dual Blades are very limited with their available combos making them a great weapon for a beginner, because they hit incredibly fast and can deal a lot of damage.  It’s easy to chain moves together with the Dual Blades too, especially when in Demon Mode.

Move Button Combo Double SlashXLunging StrikeADemon ModeZRBlade Dance (Demon Mode)X+APiercing BindZL+XShrouded VaultZL+A

Great Sword

Monster Hunter Rise Great Sword combos

Monster Hunter Rise Great Sword combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

When you just want to hit as hard as you can, the Great Sword is for you. It’s slow to use but can deal some impressive damage and has an array of combos to test out.

Move Button Combo Overhead SlashXChargeHold XStrong Charged Slash(After Charged Slash) LS+Hold XTrue Charged SlashAfter Strong Charged Slash or Strong Wide Sweep) LS+ Hold XWide SweepARising SlashX+AStrong Wide Sweep(After Strong Charged Slash) ALeaping Wide Sweep(After Tackle) ATackle(While charging) A or (after evade/kick) XPlunging Thrust(While midair) ZRGuardZRKickZR+XHunting EdgeZL+XPower SheatheZL+A


Monster Hunter Rise Gunlance combos

Monster Hunter Rise Gunlance combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Gunlance has two forms of attack; regular and “shelling”, which is when the tip of the weapon explodes. As a result, the combos are split into two sections. Note that shelling attacks ignore the defense stat of whatever you’re fighting and deal a set amount of damage.

Regular combos:

Move Button Combo Lateral ThrustXLunging UpthrustLS+XRising SlashX+AOverhead Smash(After Rising Slash) XGuardZRGuard ThrustZR+XStep(After attack) BHail CutterZL+XGuard EdgeZL+A

Shelling combos:

Move Button Combo ShellingACharged ShellingHold ABurst Fire(After Overhead Smash) AReloadZR+AQuick Reload(After attack) ZR+AWyrmstake Cannon(After two consecutive attacks or Guard Edge) A or (after Charged Shelling) LS Down+A or (after Wide Sweep) XWyvern’s FireZR+X+AUnsheating Mid-air Shelling(While midair) ZRMid-air Shelling(While midair) A


Monster Hunter Rise Hammer combos

Monster Hunter Rise Hammer combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

Another weapon that hits hard, the Hammer is a simple weapon to use but it’s important to get the timings right because of how slow it is. The combos aren’t too difficult thankfully, but remember to charge the hammer whenever you get the opportunity mid-fight.

Move Button Combo Overhead SmashXUpswingX>X>XChargeHold ZRCharge Switch(While charging) ACharged Follow-up(After charging) XSide SmashASpinning AttackLS+Hold ZRSpinning Bludgeon/Dash BreakerZL+XImpact CraterZL+A

Heavy Bowgun

Monster Hunter Rise Heavy Bowgun combos

Monster Hunter Rise Heavy Bowgun combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The slower but harder hitting one of the two bowguns, the Heavy Bowgun is much less mobile and has simple, but effective attacks. The type of ammo you bring is the most important thing here, rather than which attacks you use.

Move Button Combo CrosshairsZLFireHold ZRLoad Special AmmoAReloadHold XSelect AmmoHold L +X or BMelee AttackX+ACounter ShotR+XFree Silkbind GlideR+A

Hunting Horn

Monster Hunter Rise Hunting Horn combos

Monster Hunter Rise Hunting Horn combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Hunting Horn is the ultimate support weapon when playing online, but it’s changed slightly from previous Monster Hunter games. All Hunting Horns have the same note combination and effect this time, which never used to be the case, and self-improvement buffs are rewarded automatically by playing the same notes twice.

Move Button Combo Left SwingXRight SwingABackwards StrikeX+AForward SmashLS>X or (after performance) XCrushLS>A or (after performance) AOverhead SmashLS>X+AKick Up The Horn(After Forward Smash) ASpinning Attack(After Forward Smash or performance) X+ASpinning Attack with Handle(After Crush) XPerformZRMagnificent TrioZR>XInfernal Melody(When gauge is full) ZR+X>ZR or ZL+X>ZRSlide BeatZL+XEarthshakerZL+A

Insect Glaive

Monster Hunter Rise Insect Glaive combos

Monster Hunter Rise Insect Glaive combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Insect Glaive is a unique weapon in that it can fire special insects, each with different abilities. These add another dimension to combat so as a result, this isn’t a newbie-friendly weapon.

Move Button Combo Rising SlashXThrustLS+XWide SweepALeaping SlashLS+AVaultZR+BAerial Attack(In mid-air) XJumping Advancing Slash(In mid-air) AMid-air Evade(In mid-air) BKinsect: Mark TargetZRKinsect: FireZR+RKinsect: Harvest ExtractZR+XKinsect: RecallZR+A or ZL+ASilkbind VaultZL+X


Monster Hunter Rise Lance combos

Monster Hunter Rise Lance combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

Another weapon with some simpler combos, the Lance is a slower weapon with impressive reach. High Thrust is the best basic attack to use against bigger targets, while Mid Thrust is the one you want for small enemies.

Move Button Combo Mid ThrustXHigh ThrustAWide SweepX+AGuardZRGuard DashZR+LS+XDash AttackZR+X+ACounter-ThrustZR+APower Guard(While charging) ZR+ATwin VineZL+XAnchor RageZL+A

Light Bowgun

Monster Hunter Rise Light Bowgun combos

Monster Hunter Rise Light Bowgun combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The slightly less impressive but more mobile counterpart to the Heavy Bowgun, the Light Bowgun works in a very similar manner. Make sure you’re constantly moving and targeting enemy weak spots since you can dodge much easier.

Move Button Combo CrosshairsZLFireZRReloadHold XWyvernblastASelect AmmoHold L+X or BMelee AttackX+ASilkbind GlideZL+XFanning VaultZL+A

Long Sword

Monster Hunter Rise Long Sword combos

Monster Hunter Rise Long Sword combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Long Sword is a decent choice for beginners, because it’s simple to use but hard to master. You can chain together all sorts of attacks, especially the Iai Slash/Iai Spirit Slash moves.

Move Button Combo Vertical SlashXThrustAFade SlashX+ADirectional Fade Slash(During a combo) LS+X+ASpecial Sheathe(During a combo) ZR+BIai Slash(After Special Sheathe) XIai Spirit Slash(After Special Sheathe) ZRSoaring Kick(During a combo) ZL+XSerene Pose(During a combo) ZL+A

Switch Axe

Monster Hunter Rise Switch Axe combos

Monster Hunter Rise Switch Axe combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Switch Axe can change between two different forms – as you’d expect from the name – which means there are a lot of possibilities, so it’s not recommended to take this one straight out of the starting blocks.

Move Button Combo Weak Slash/Side Slash/Forward SlashX>X>XOverhead SlashXWild Swing(Rapid press) AHeavy Axe Slam(After 3 Wild Swings) XDownward SlashX>Hold LS down +AKnee Split(After Wild Swing) ZRRising SlashX+AForward SlashLS+XMorph/ReloadZRMorph Slash(After most combos) ZRInvincible GambitZL+XSwitch ChargerZL+A

Sword & Shield

Monster Hunter Rise Sword & Shield combos

Monster Hunter Rise Sword & Shield combos

(Image credit: Capcom)

Like the Long Sword, the Sword & Shield has a lot of potential but is still easy to pick up and use. Experiment with all these different combos to find the chain of moves that works for you – and don’t forget about guarding.

Move Button Combo ChopXSide SlashX>XSword & Shield ComboX>X>XLateral SlashAReturn StrokeA>ARound SlashA>A>ASuper Round Slash(After attacking) X+AShield AttackLS+AAdvancing SlashX+AMid-air Rising Slash(While mid-air) X+ARound Slash(After attacking) LS+X+ARising SlashZR+XGuardZRGuard Slash(While guarding) ABackstepHold ZR>A+LS downFalling Bash(After Backstep) Hold ALeaping Slash(After Backstep) XPerfect Rush(After Leaping Slash) X>X>XFalling ShadowZL+XWindmillZL+A

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