V Risings best weapons and how to get them

A tier list for V Rising best weapons would have to take into account both PvE and PvP combat, as killing monsters is very different to killing other vampire players, requiring separate strengths, defenses and skills. Right now we’d say that the best weapon in V Rising is the Slashers, aka the dual daggers, for fighting other players in PvP. Meanwhile, for those are going against the engine and AI monsters, any variation of the Sword could provide the best chance, though a lot of it will come down to personal preference and occasionally the specific enemy. We’ll explain why that’s the case in more detail just below, as well as present the full tier list for all the best weapons in V Rising.

V Rising best weapons tier list

V Rising

(Image credit: Stunlock Studios)

The best weapons in V Rising can be sorted into the following tier list:

  1. Slashers
  2. Sword
  3. Spear
  4. Axes
  5. Mace
  6. Reaper
  7. Crossbow

You can click on any of these to find out more about how to get and use them effectively, as well as scrolling down! Of course, as mentioned above, the best weapons depend on whether you’re engaged with the chaos of PvP or the more predictable (but varied) PvE monsters, but as a rule we’ve placed the better PvP weapons above, as there’s no NPC enemy that can’t eventually be beaten with any weapon, if you’re good enough. Still, if you want a more detailed consideration of what’s to come, check out the full stats and how to get all the weapons below.


Players can craft the Slashers by getting their specific recipe, found by killing Quincy the Bandit King – the boss that unlocks V Rising Iron too. Once Quincy is dead, you can craft Iron Ingots, then use them in a couple of new weapon recipes that you also get by killing him! One of those weapons is the Slashers, a pair of sleek iron daggers that rapidly land blows on enemies and can be built in the Smithy – another recipe he drops.

The Slashers don’t have a massive DPS, but they do strike very quickly and land various kinds of impairments that greatly impede your enemies’ ability to hit back, giving you incredible control over the battlefield. The Elusive Strike skill lets you cut at foes rapidly while slowing them, and the Camouflage skill lets you go invisible for short periods before making an attack that incapacitates foes. It’s a pretty phenomenal setup.


The Sword is the first weapon you obtain in the game (or at least a variation of it), and it’s a very solid jack-of-all-trades weapon that balances speed, power and versatility. The whirlwind attack is decent for battling groups of weaker enemies, hitting everybody around you, and the Shockwave is great for hitting a single target with powerful combos. Swords are incredibly dependable in PvE, and worth keeping on you at all times unless the quality of your other weapons far outclass it.


The Spear is a weapon purely made for combat, and you’ll get the most basic form of it during your tutorial. The Spear’s pretty clearly meant for fighting single enemies, as its thin, stabbing attack patterns and skills are mainly effective when put on a single target. A solid PvP choice, the skill “A Thousand Spears” unleashes a barrage of attacks that knocks targets over, while the Harpoon does the opposite, a ranged attack that drags the target in your direction. Play intelligently with this weapon type, and you’ll have a lot of battlefield control.


Axes are all about substituting intelligence for berserker fury. Like the previous two weapons, a basic set of Axes can be obtained during the early tutorial. While introduced as a means for cutting down trees, they serve well as weapons in their own right, slower but harder-hitting than the Sword. Despite a so-so standard attack pattern, they have really good skills – Frenzy is a powerful attack that triggers short-term movement and attack speed buffs, while X-Strike is a ranged attack that can slow or even incapacitate enemies, if both Axes hit them.


The Mace is the slowest melee weapon in V Rising, a giant bludgeoning weapon that hits infrequently, but does massive damage per strike. This is a pretty situational weapon that thrives against slow foes but struggles against quick ones, and can often leave the player vulnerable or hesitant to commit to long attack animations. Still, the Crushing Blow skill is a very powerful and potent AOE that traps enemies in place, and the simply-named “Smack” will send enemies flying, giving you a chance to attack, heal or retreat without having somebody in your face.


The Reaper is a giant scythe and counterpart to the Slashers, as it’s also unlocked by killing Quincy and unlocking Iron in the Smithy. However, while the Slashers are fast-striking daggers that thrive in PvP, the Reaper is a slow, swinging blade that’s more suited to the predictable enemies of PvE. The Tendon Swing is a massive strike that snares foes and does huge damage, but the Howling Reaper is a ranged attack that stays in place, hitting anybody who comes near and slowing them. Players will clearly just walk around that, but monsters aren’t so smart.


V Rising Merciless Weapons

V Rising merciless armor weapons copper iron nightstalker hollowfang

(Image credit: Stunlock Studios)

Want superior forms of these weapons? Find out how to get V Rising Merciless weapons and gear, or for more protection, grab the best V Rising armor here!

The first version of this weapon you can obtain is the Hunter’s Crossbow, the recipe for which unlocks after you kill Rufus the Foreman, a level 20 boss at the Bandit Logging Camp in central Farbane Woods. If you need it narrowed down more, use our V Rising boss locations page.

The Crossbow isn’t great, working best as a backup weapon that can be wielded situationally. A ranged attack isn’t a bad thing, but the slow attack rate and generally unremarkable damage mean it’s probably better just to master one of the melee weapons. The Rain of Bolts skill is a slightly toothless AOE that damages foes around you, though the Snapshot is a solid, fast attack that interrupts spells and attack animations. This is why a Crossbow is useful – have it in reserve and learn how to quickdraw-fire a Snapshot at players casting a spell. 

How to upgrade weapons in V Rising

V Rising best weapons tier list

(Image credit: Stunlock Studios)

Upgrading weapons in V Rising is fairly contextual, and nearly always requires you to find some sort of specific recipe. Sometimes players will craft better weapons from scratch, while other times you’ll use the original weapon and combine it with new materials to produce something new and superior – for example, the Merciless Copper Sword requires you to use up a worse Sword to create it. However, the Iron Sword is built entirely fresh – there’s not a huge amount of consistency to it.

Weapon upgrade recipes are also fairly contextual, but can be found in any of the following ways:

  • Randomly dropped from slain enemies
  • Dropped by specific bosses
  • Obtained randomly by putting V Rising Paper into the Research Table

There are also unique special variants of weapons that can be found across the map, usually dropped by high-level bosses. These are still being found out, but it’s worth checking out bosses in particular – for example, the Undead Commander at the Haunted Iron Mine drops the General’s Soul Reaper, a unique Reaper that does extra damage on undead enemies, which’ll be helpful if you want to farm V Rising Grave Dust.

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