Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Hero stats, points and builds explained

Tiny Tina’s Wonderland hero stats are the points you can spend on any character, unlike the skill and abilities specific to the different Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands classes. These govern things like health, cooldowns, Critical chance and Critical damage and so on. However, while they can be applied to all characters and affect the same core stats, they will affect each class differently because of the abilities they use. Ideally you want to pick a background, and spend points to play to the stats a certain will benefit from. 

Tiny Tina Shift codes

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands shift keys

(Image credit: Take Two)

If you want the best loot then these Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Shift codes will give you the skeleton keys you need to open the chest in Brighthoof. 

For example, if you play a magic heavy Spellshot, you’re going to want to spend points in Intelligence to reduce the spell casting cooldown to take the most advantage of what that class can do (dual wield spells). Similarly, choosing certain Tiny Tina Wonderlands Character Backgrounds will buff and nerf certain stats. So choosing something like the ‘Recovering Inventory Hoarder’ backstory will reduce both spell casting and ability cooldowns, which would be a bad choice if you want to rock magic abilities. 

So let’s take a look at Tiny Tina’s Wonderland hero stats below, and the Character Backgrounds, basically backstories, that can shape your playthrough and help you make good choices. 

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Tiny Tina Hero points and classes

tiny tina hero points

(Image credit: Take Two)

Tiny Tina Hero points shape your overall character. So strength, damage, cooldowns and so on. The important thing here to grasp is which stat ties into which class. As long as you know that you’ll be able to place the points where they have the best effects. To make that easier, we’ve listed them all here with the classes that most benefit from them: 

  • Strength – increases Crit Damage
    • Clawbringer
    • Brr-Zerker
    • Stabbomancer
  • Dexterity – increases Crit Chance
    • Stabbomancer
    • Spellshot
    • Sporewarden
  • Intelligence – reduces Spell Cooldown
    • Spellshot
    • Graveborn
  • Wisdom – increases Status Damage
    • Stabbomancer
    • Graveborn
  • Constitution – increases Max HP/Ward
    • Brr-Zerker
    • Clawbringer
    • Graveborn
  • Attunement – reduces Skill Cooldown
    • Sporewarden
    • Brr-Zerker

So let’s say you were going for a Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Graveborn build, you’d want to concentrate more points in Intelligence, Wisdom and Constitution to play to that class’ strengths. If you do have a class you want to play just be aware of the points that help it – there’s literally very little point in playing a pure damage focused class like the Clawbringer or Brr-Zerker and putting all your points in Intelligence, for example. 

Tiny Tina character backgrounds

tiny tina hero points

(Image credit: Take Two)

The Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Character Backgrounds are basically backstories that increase and decrease certain Hero stats. They’re essentially a way of getting some extra points in a category upfront, that might be useful for a certain class or build, but at the expense of some deficit elsewhere. 

All of your stats start at a base of 10 points, so below we’ll list all the backgrounds, what stats they boost and nerf, as well as what builds they’d suit best. 

Village Idiot

+8 Strength, -3 Intelligence

  • Strength 18: 10% Crit Damage ⬆
  • Dexterity 10: 0% Crit Chance
  • Intelligence 7: -3% Spell Cooldown ⬇
  • Wisdom 10: 0% Status Damage
  • Constitution 10: 0% Max HP/Ward
  • Attunement 10: 0% Skill Cooldown

This is very much the damage dealing background, giving you a big boost to critical damage at the expense of magic. That makes it great for the Clawbringer, Brr-Zerker or Stabbomancer.

Raised by Elves

+2 Dexterity, -4 Constitution

  • Strength 10: 0% Crit Damage 
  • Dexterity 12: 4% Crit Chance ⬆
  • Intelligence 10: 0% Spell Cooldown 
  • Wisdom 10: 0% Status Damage
  • Constitution 6: -10% Max HP/Ward ⬇
  • Attunement 10: 0% Skill Cooldown

Boosting Dexterity increases you Critical chance, and which will benefit Stabbomancer, Spellshot and Sporewarden but it’s not the best buff of any of them. If you do want to build out something on Criticals this might get you off to a good start but there are better options. 

Failed Monk

+2 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, -4 Strength, -2 Dexterity

  • Strength 6: -5% Crit Damage ⬇
  • Dexterity 8: -4% Crit Chance ⬇
  • Intelligence 12: +2% Spell Cooldown ⬆
  • Wisdom 14: +8% Status Damage ⬆
  • Constitution 10: 0% Max HP/Ward 
  • Attunement 10: 0% Skill Cooldown

Buffing Intelligence and Wisdom improves Spell Cooldown and Status damage, making it great for magic and ability focused character builds. Graveborn probably benefits the most here, as it uses spells and status effect to damage enemies and heal itself. Spellshot will also get a good start with this option. 

Recovering Inventory Hoarder

+2 Intelligence, +5 Attunement, -2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution

  • Strength 10: 0% Crit Damage
  • Dexterity 8: -4% Crit Chance ⬇
  • Intelligence 12: +2% Spell Cooldown ⬆
  • Wisdom 10: +0% Status Damage 
  • Constitution 8: -5% Max HP/Ward ⬇
  • Attunement 15: +5% Skill Cooldown⬆

This is another class that favours magic and abilities, with increases to spell and skill cooldown. If you’re planning to use a class that relies on either – so Spellshot, Graveborn, Sporewarden and Brr-Zerker – pick this one. Just be prepared to be starting with lower health as a consequence. 

Rogue Alchemist

+8 Wisdon, -2 Dexterity, -5 Constitution

  • Strength 10: 0% Crit Damage
  • Dexterity 8: -4% Crit Chance ⬇
  • Intelligence 10: 0% Spell Cooldown
  • Wisdom 18: +16% Status Damage ⬆
  • Constitution 5: -12.5% Max HP/Ward ⬇
  • Attunement 15: +5% Skill Cooldown

This is another odd class, like Raised by Elves, that only buffs one stat, meaning you’ll need a pretty specific build to in mind to make it worth picking. The increase in Status damage means the Stabbomancer and Graveborn will benefit somewhat, but it’s probably not worth the sacrifices in Critical chance and Status damage. 

About Fox

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