How to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5

If you want to know how to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5 then the export function is – in true Kojima – a journey. While you can move your PS4 Death Stranding save to the PS5 it’s not immediately obvious how in Death Stranding, and once you’ve worked it all out there’s still the matter of the game not carrying everything over. Some minor changes to the world and features mean some things will be lost, or altered in some way. So if you’re trying to work out how to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5, read on for all the details. 

How to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5

how to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5

(Image credit: Sony)

You won’t actually be able to transfer a PS4 Death Stranding save from the menu, in case you were looking there. You’ll have to open up the game and do it from the in-game menu you open from the options button. 

Once you’ve opened the in-game options you can hit the D-pad to access the menu and scroll down to System, where the option to ‘Export Save Data’ lives. However, chances are you get this message initially: 

how to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5

(Image credit: Sony)

In order to actually export your Death Stranding PS4 data you need to be standing near a Delivery Terminal. You don’t need to interact with it, or do anything in anyway, just be in its general proximity.  

how to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5

(Image credit: Sony)

As long as you’re near, then the save transfer option will be live and you can then select it to upload your Death Stranding PS4 save to a server your PS5 can then download it from. 

how to transfer a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5

(Image credit: Sony)

It’s worth noting that you can only upload one Death Stranding PS4 save, and if you repeat the process you’ll overwrite whatever you uploaded previously. There’s also quite a list of notes regarding changes to the PS5 version that can remove or change items in the game, which we’ll take a look at now. 

Everything kept when transferring a Death Stranding PS4 save to PS5

Because some terrain data has been updated, your Death Stranding save data will. be altered slightly when you transfer it. Some things in-game will then be changed as a result. This is everything you’ll keep, and carry over, when you move the data: 

  • Cargo actually carried by Sam, or in a private locker will be kept.
  • Any vehicles you have in a garage will be kept. 
  • Structures you’ve built will redeploy when you approach them. This includes things like signs, cairns, golden toadstools, etc.
  • Unlocked rewards, mail, interviews and tips will be kept.
  • Memory chips you’ve found will be kept.
  • Paths you’ve made will be kept, but not shared with other players.
  • Rebuilt roads will be kept.
  • Material amounts donated to facilities will be kept.
  • Trophies earned will be kept, unless the conditions for earning them have changed and you’ve not met the new criteria. 

In addition to the existing stuff you’ve done or earned carrying over, you’ll also automatically get any new story-related rewards, mails, tips and anything else you’ve already met the criteria for (you might have to check a few menus to find them them). You’ll also unlock various activities based on your progress through the story.

What doesn’t carry over in Death Stranding from PS4 to PS5

Because of the updated Death Stranding terrain on PS5 and its online nature, some things won’t carry over when you transfer from PS4. Most of it’s minor, but you might want to double-check this list just in case you lose anything you don’t want to redo. 

  • Any active orders and supply requests will be lost.
  • Shared online content – including cargo, structures and vehicles – will be lost and replaced with new options from a new server.
  • Cargo in the world, or picked up while out in the world will be lost.
  • Cargo in postboxes or safe house that could not be rebuilt will be lost.
  • Vehicles in the world, or in safe houses shared online, or safe houses that could not be rebuilt, will be lost
  • Structures that cannot be placed due to terrain changes will be lost.
  • MULEs, BTs and other enemies will be returned to their original state. All corpses will be removed from the world.
  • Most craters created by Voidouts will disappear and the terrain will reset, but some craters will remain.
  • Information on other players you formed Bridge Links or Strand Contracts will be lost. 
  • Any adjusted options will not be carried over.

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